II Sam Ch 17 – Wed April 3 – 7:30pm to 9:00pm


All are welcome, whether regular attendees or first time visitors: prior text study experience is not necessary.

Absalom has his father King David on the run, across the Jordan River.  Why is King David running?  Who are the unsung heroic women who help King David’s spies warn him to move away from danger?  Why are so many of David’s sons and nephews fighting amongst themselves? Come to class on Wednesday to find the answers to these questions, and to ask many questions for which there will be no answers!

Study with Penina: 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings
Now in our 4th year on the Early Prophets
Eitz Chayim, 136 Magazine Street, Cambridge

  • Study is in English, interfaith and gender sensitive.
  • Bring your Tanakh (Bible) if you have one; books are provided as needed.
  • Feel free to bring snacks or a bottle of wine.

I  look forward to learning with you!