
Ben Zoma said: Who is wise? One who learns from everyone, as is said,
“Because everyone has been my teacher, I have gained understanding.”
(mAvot 4:1)
Rabbi Hanina said: From my teachers I learned much, from my colleagues still more,
but from my students most of all.
–(BT Ta’anit 7a)

This is a list of the various classes and workshops I have taught.  For more information about my teaching and for student endorsements, please read here


Classes at Congregation Eitz Chayim Three part series, introducing source materials from the Jewish tradition (in English) and posing questions about values What does our Tradition say about Oral Torah and about Torah study? Maimonides on studying Torah, and the Sefat Emet on Genesis and the Oral Torah. How do we deal with texts that conflict with our values? Judith Plaskow on Hosea, and Art Green on the Sefat Emet How do the texts help us to find and/or live with our values? Concepts of tikkun olam and tzedakah; teachings from modern Jewish social activists