Song of Deborah: Motherhood, Manhood, and War (January 17, 2019)

Ruach HaYam Teaching presented by Penina Weinberg at Congregation Eitz Chayim, 136 Magazine Street, Cambridge, MA – January 17, 2019. (Scroll to end for logistics)

Join us at Ruach HaYam, an independent queer havurah, for a close reading of the Song of Deborah (Judges 4-5). We will study stereotypical gender roles, non-normative gender roles, and how power is wielded. We also consider the nature of war. The Song of Deborah is as old as the very ancient Song of the Sea (Ex 15:1-19) and Song of Miriam (Ex. 15:20-21), with which it is paired as haftarah.

The text presents an extraordinary trio of women who run the gamut from magnificent to tragic to disturbing, set against the backdrop of war. It includes one of the most poignant stories in the Hebrew Bible – the little known saga of Sisera’s mother.

Be prepared for a provocative (and queer) look at motherhood, manhood, and war.

You may wish to visit Laurence Olivier’s recital of the story, with illustrations. Quite amazing.

Penina Weinberg is an independent Hebrew bible scholar whose study and teaching focus on the intersection of power, politics and gender in the Hebrew Bible. She has run workshops for Nehirim and Keshet and has been teaching Hebrew bible for 10 years. She has written in Tikkun and HBI blog, and is the leader and founder of Ruach HaYam.

** Logistics**
Study starts promptly at 7:15 pm. We open the doors at 6:45 for schmoozing. Feel free to bring your own veggie snack for the early part. A parking consideration is in effect for the three blocks around EC during all regularly scheduled events. It is a good idea to put a note in the windshield that you are attending an event at EC.
Accessibility information: all gender/accessible bathrooms, entry ramp.

Ruach HaYam study sessions provide a queer Jewish look at text, but are welcoming to any learning or faith background, to all bodies, and friendly to beginners.